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Get Started with Nano

What is Nano?

Nano is a 3rd generation cryptocurrency with zero fees, super quick transactions and high scalability. Each account is part of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), which results in lightweight nodes that requires no mining, thus very low environmental impact. These features makes Nano ideal for peer-to-peer transactions, donations and purchases in everyday life all around the world! Feel free to browse this page to know more about Nano, how it can be used and how to obtain it.

Simple Comparison

Coin Fee Speed [Sec] Scalability [TPS] Energy [Wh/Tx]
Nano 0 1 0.3 3 200-1000 5 0.003 7
Bitcoin Fee market 2 600-3600 4 10 6 750,000 8
Multipliers Infinite 2000-12000x 10-100x 1/250,000,000x
  1. No mining, no fees.
  2. Typically around 0.1-1 USD/transaction but was $37 while the network was saturated. No upper limit and controlled by demand.
  3. Median time of sending from node A until detected confirmed and fully settled on node B. As of Jul 2019, node v19. PoW not included but that is mostly precalculated before sending.
  4. Depends on the fee. A high fee typically results in transactions to be cleared in 10min but with lower fee take 1h or more.
  5. Only limited by node hardware. Main net was tested at 230 CPS in late 2020 for node v21.2. Beta net tested at 1400 CPS. More improvements will be done.
  6. Estimated hardcoded maximum allowed per block with Segwit.
  7. 2020 value based on PoW needed for each tx. Reference: RTX2080 GPU at 200W.
  8. 2020 value. Depends on hashrate which depends on market. Also depends of current tps.

The Green Choice

  • A Vestas V164 wind turbine can power 4,000,000 nano transactions, per revolution! Enough to power 800,000 tx/sec
  • 1 square meters of solar panels can power 17 tx/sec
  • 2 sec of Bitcoin miners running is equal to PoW for all the 67M Nano transactions that were made 2014-2021

Test Nano

Without the need to own any nano you can try the power of fast and fee-less transactions on the real live network! If you want to transact with your own nano you can easily create a wallet and obtain some free nano from any of the faucets found below.